Add Shapes
Clicking Add Shapes on the toolbar will open the Add Shapes dialog. The symbol style and font formatting is based on the configuration set in the Settings window.
- Select the cell where the symbol is to be placed.
- Click on the symbol type from the gallery.
- Type the text to appear in the symbol.
- Click the "Add Shape" button.
- Instead of clicking the "Add Shape" button, you can press Enter after typing the text.
- You can double-click on a symbol image to add the shape. If the Text field is empty, a blank shape is added.
- Auto-detect shape type: If checked, as you type the entry in the Text field, FlowBreeze will select the shape type from the gallery above. Supports Keywords and Prefixes.
- Add connector from previous shape: If checked, will add a flow line connector from the last shape added (if one exists and can be detected).
- Override default styles: When checked, you can customize the shape style and font.
- Each symbol section is collapsible.
- Press x in the upper right of the panel to close it.
- Press « in the upper right to collapse the panel to the left edge of Excel.