Split Connector into Nodes
The Split Connector tool will replace a flow line with two labeled nodes, which indicate a jump from one part of the diagram to another. The before and after picture below an example usage of the tool.

Connector routing - before Split Connector

Connector routing - after Split Connector
Dialog Fields
- From shape - Node placement side: The "From shape" box shows the text from the first shape, and the adjoining "Node placement side" lets you select the side that the outgoing labeled node will be placed (relative to the shape).
- To shape - Node placement side: The "To shape" box shows the text from the second shape, and the adjoining "Node placement side" lets you select the side that the incoming labeled node will be placed (relative to the shape).
- Connector node type: The circle "On Page Connector" nodes are typically used for jumps between process steps on the same page, and the 5-sided "Off-Page connector" nodes are typically used to indicate a jump from one page to another.
- Node label: The text that will be placed in the node. The text is automatically assigned when you selected a connector node type, but it can be changed as needed.